I cannot generate a new payroll since finalising the payroll to ATO today and got 50 employees overdue to be paid
I have cleared cache
I have checked reports and figures match
I have tried desktop and online version
I have been on hold and on live chat for hours and nothing suggested works
I have tried everything and the file will not link to STP so will not generate a payroll file
We have been using STP2 from begining of year and still shows linked
When I go to the payroll command centre to prepare a pay run, I enter the necessary details and hit record but when I complete the ATO/STP box to send STP details it keeps failing bringing an error and so no payroll file creates to prepare for bank upload. I already have 50 employees with an overdue payroll so this is quite urgent. I already spent 3 hours on live chat today and nobody could help me. No solutions worked.
So irritating considering I cannot speak to anyone and went through hours of support today and noone cares/helps