Forum Discussion

kaushika's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

Superannuation incorrect

The superannuation for 1 employee on Maternity Leave was not calculated for 2 pays, then suddenly it started calculating from third pay cycle.


Is this a setting issue or error?




  • Hi kaushika 


    If the superannuation has not calculated for 2 pays, please check if the following settings were correct at the time the payrun was processed :


    • The calculation basis is correct for that employee's pays - i.e. you have it set to be Equals x percentage of Gross wages 
    • For the previous 2 payruns, was there any payroll category that was in the Exempt category as super would not calculate on that. 
    • The employee has reached the threshold list for that superannuation category
    • You don't have a limit that is forcing the employee's superannuation to appear 

    If those things have been checked and it's still not working as expected, I would imagine an adjustment is being made that is preventing that amount from appearing. 

    If you are still requiring assistance, we would need to grab the following screenshots and information to offer that assistance:

    • A screenshot of the superannuation payroll category setup
    • A list of categories that are exempted from that category
    • A screenshot of the pay history for that employee
    • A screenshot of the payrun for which super did not accrue