Forum Discussion

rose-m's avatar
Cover User
7 years ago

Entitlement balance summary report



I run the entitlement balance summary report and I could see the available hours for each employee even the employees who were terminated. So, I searched through all the employees to find terminated employees' card files; however, I could not find their card file. Could you please let me know what is the reason and how can I make an adjustment?



  • Hi rose-m


    We did experience an issue with earlier versions of the AccountRight 20xx range that will mean those terminated employees would appear in the Entitlement Balance reports. To my understanding, this was addressed with an update back in 2014 and thus those employee's shouldn't be appearing.

    If those terminated employees are appearing in that report I would make sure that they are indeed a terminated employee. This can be done in AccountRight 2018 via navigating to the card in the Card File*>>Selecting the Payroll Details tab and before checking the Termination date in the Personal Details tab.


    *If you are not able to see that particular card in the Card List it may be marked as inactive and you will need to select Show Inactive  (top right of the Card List) before selecting the card.

  • Hi rose-m


    We did experience an issue with earlier versions of the AccountRight 20xx range that will mean those terminated employees would appear in the Entitlement Balance reports. To my understanding, this was addressed with an update back in 2014 and thus those employee's shouldn't be appearing.

    If those terminated employees are appearing in that report I would make sure that they are indeed a terminated employee. This can be done in AccountRight 2018 via navigating to the card in the Card File*>>Selecting the Payroll Details tab and before checking the Termination date in the Personal Details tab.


    *If you are not able to see that particular card in the Card List it may be marked as inactive and you will need to select Show Inactive  (top right of the Card List) before selecting the card.