Forum Discussion

Rocky8's avatar
Experienced User
12 months ago

Matching bank transactions not automatically matching

Ever since we had to upgrade to the latest version of MYOB, my matching bank transactions are not automatically matching.  I have turned on the 'auotmatically match bank transactions to bills and invoices' under banking rules but it has not made any difference.


I am now having to go through our transactions every day and match every single one manually. 


I have contacted MYOB three times about this but we still don't have a solution.


Even when the date of the payment is the exact same date of the invoice it is still not matching.


Could you please help.

  • I am having the same issue. Tried all of the above. It is happening with bulk payments and the total does not match because you take the cc charge off before deposit. It use to automatically match 

    • Shella_A's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi there shorebreak,


      If you're still having trouble with matching bank transactions automatically after following the previous steps, please reach out to our support team for further assistance. You can reach them on Live Chat via our virtual assistant, MOCA, or by submitting a support case via MyAccount. They can help resolve any persistent issues.





  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey lena1,


    As long as the amount is correct, the date won't affect the invoice allocation. You can try to allocate the invoice instead. If it still doesn't work, you can toggle the automatic match rule off and on to refresh it. This has worked for other users, so it should work for you too.


    Best regards,


  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi lena1


    I know it must be frustrating that after you have done the workaround provided above, the automatic matching of bank feed is still not working. Here are other things that you can check to make sure that automatic matches will work. 


    • A bank transaction and MYOB transaction will be matched if they have the same date and amount. 
    • The other reason for it not to auto-match would be if there are identical transactions in the software. Instead, you would match this transaction by clicking Possible match found to view the possible matches. 
    • If you have ticked the Bank rule "Automatically match bank transactions to MYOB bills and invoices", it has helped others to toggle it off and on to refresh it. If you have tried this, I  would recommend reviewing your bank rules, to make sure nothing is doubling up and confusing the software's ability to auto match. 


    Best regards,


    • lena1's avatar

      Hi Doreen, if i enter an invoice, with invoice date, and then i pay it a few days later directly from the bank account, it will then appear on the bank feed.  it won't match to the invoice as it is a different date.  is this correct?  this process used to match/or give possible matches. it doesn't now.

      another issue is that duplicate bills aren't flagged.  so i can key the same bill in twice.  again, this used to come up saying its a duplicate.  very frustrating and it adds time to each task.

  • hi there, mine also don't match automatically since switching to premier. have tried all the above, and still does not match a bank feed to a bill entered. very annoying to have to manually do this.




  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Rocky8,

    Thanks for your post, and my apologies for the late response. I recommend starting by clearing your browser cache. Additionally, you can refresh the system by toggling the relevant function off and on again.

    Please ensure that the necessary bank transactions are available for matching in the bank feeds. Verify that the recorded transaction matches the date and amount of the bank transaction. Also, check whether transactions are not marked as reconciled in the reconciliation window. You can also visit this help article for more informational about: Matching bank transactions,


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.


    • Rocky8's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Earl


      Thanks for your reply.


      I have tried all of the things you have suggested but my transactions are still not automatically matching.

      This has only been a problem since the lastest upgrade.


      Are we the only ones having this problem or is this a glitch with the uprade??



      • Earl_HD's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Rocky8,

        I would like to check if you're still having this issue? if so, feel free to post again and one of us will be happy to assist you.
