Forum Discussion

DPAPL's avatar
21 hours ago

Credit Card Payments Receipts

When a customer pays through the MYOB online payment system, most times I receive 2 receipts, one of which is addressed to the customer who made the payment i.e. one which says, "You have paid....." and one which is addressed to me i.e. "You have been paid by....". Is this because the customer has made an incorrect selection when paying or is there a setting I can make so the customer receives their receipt and I receive mine? Thanks.

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi DPAPL


    Email receipts are usually sent to the email address saved in the customer contact settings. I suggest checking there first to make sure all the information is correct. If that doesn't solve the issue, you can reach out to the financial services team for further assistance.

