Forum Discussion

Helen131's avatar
6 days ago

STP filing

A client has been using MYOB essentials and has been processing payroll since July 2023. I have only just setup the file for STP reporting. However, I can't work out how to file the payruns since July 2023 for STP. Is there a trick? 

What I can find is that once the payrun has been processed, you will then be prompted to file for STP. Does this mean I can't file the previous payruns? 

3 Replies

  • Princess_R's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Helen131,


    Welcome to the Community Forum!


    Awesome job on getting the single-touch payroll up and running for your clients. Just a quick note though, only the pay runs that were recorded after you turned on STP can be reported through it. Any pay runs before that won't appear on the STP screen. But no worries, they'll still be part of the Year-to-Date report and will be sent to the ATO once you process a new pay run or send an update after STP is activated.


    Feel free to get in touch if you need more help.




  • So if I process a new payrun, even if it's after 1 July 2024, the total year STP information for the period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 will be on the year-to-date report and finalisation statements can be done for the 2023-2024 year? 

    • Isaiah_C's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi Helen131,


      Thank you for your reply. Yes, as long as the date of the payment falls within the correct payroll year, it will be accounted for accordingly. The start and end dates of the payment will also reflect this period accurately.


