Forum Discussion

boshieturtle6's avatar
4 months ago

All of my invoices are gone!

For the past 2 weeks I havent been able to see any of my invoices. it keeps saying "No invoices Found" when I go to my invoices page. However when I go to my banking page and allocate payments, all unpaid invoices are there for me to choose the invoice to allocate the payment to.

What on earth is wrong??????

Even the new invoices I have created since this issue started just disappear as soon as I email or save them.

5 Replies

  • All mine have dissapeared after the outage yesterday friday 1st march. any idea how to get them back?


    • Genreve_S's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi Gardenbuzz


      Thank you for reaching out and letting us know you're encountering the same issue. I apologise for the delayed response.


      To investigate possible causes of this, could you kindly provide us with screenshots of a sample invoice and the invoice list with the necessary filters applied to locate the invoice?


      Your response is eagerly awaited.



    • Genreve_S's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi boshieturtle6 and Gardenbuzz


      I hope you are well. I'm just checking in to see if you still require any help with your invoices. 


      Don't hesitate to respond with more information if you require any further help.



    • Genreve_S's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi everyone, 


      Trust this message finds you in good spirits. We are putting this thread on hold for the time being due to the absence of recent updates.


      However, don't hesitate to kick-start a new thread if you need further assistance.



  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi boshieturtle6


    Thank you for bringing your concern to our attention on the forum.


    I regret to hear about the challenges you're facing in locating your invoices, and I apologize for any delay in our response. It's indeed unusual if your invoices aren't visible in the invoices window. As per my understanding, the invoices window should have filters to help narrow down the search for specific invoices. To help us delve deeper into this issue, could you kindly provide screenshots of one of the invoices and the invoice list window? (You can cover sensitive information while doing this.)


    We eagerly await your response.

