Forum Discussion

thetonto's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Bills from Intray are not matching to default account Code.

When creating a Bill from the intray the system is correctly identifying the correct supplier and amounts but is not loading the default account code for the supplier.  


This is occuring on EVERY bill so not an issue that the bills are being scanned incorrectly.  Includes scanned bills and PDF documents loaded directly.


Work around is to load the account code manually which isn't ideal.



33 Replies

  • It is now 7 months later and I am still experiencing this issue. When will this be fixed please?

  • Alyshia's avatar
    Contributing User

    Any update on this? We are experiencing the same issue and it's quite driving us all insane in the office.

  • I am also seeing this issue today.  Account code is blank when creating a bill form the in tray, but looking at the contact card the supplier definitely has a default expense account setup.  Tried another browser and the fault remains.  Also getting the 'ABN invalid' issue described in another thread.

    • Earl_HD's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi @everyone, 

      Thank you for your post, and I'm sorry to learn about the issues you've encountered.

      I apologize for the delay in our response. We are aware of the issue where the Account code is appearing as blank when creating a bill from the Intray. Our development team is actively working on a workaround to resolve this issue. We will provide an update as soon as we have a solution in place.

      We greatly appreciate your patience while we address this issue. If you have any additional questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to post again. One of our team members will be more than happy to assist you.


      • Diamond0's avatar
        Contributing User

        Can you please provide an update. I have posted 4 weeks ago and no response

  • Hello thetonto 


    Thank you for your post. 


    Can you please confirm that the default account code you are referencing is the default supplier expense code that you are referring to? 


    I'm seeing that a fix should have been done in the background for this issue, are you still facing it? If so can you please try logging in from another web browser or clear your browser cache and try again? 

    Please let me know how this goes.

    • thetonto's avatar
      Experienced User

      Correct.  It is the default code that is loaded onto the contact.  Also confirm it is still not working and using an entirely different computer

      • ChrisMYOB's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hello thetonto 

        When you are creating these are you selecting to create a spend money transaction or create a bill?  If the InTray document has come from a supplier, you should create a bill instead of a spend money transaction. This should bring across the default supplier account.