Forum Discussion

NixP's avatar
2 years ago

In Tray not working

Why can I not see any of the in tray invoices when I click on them? 

Just goes to a blank screen

  • Jedwa's avatar
    Experienced User

    I'm having the same problem, but i have found if I click the 3 little dots and then hit create/link bill it will come up.  Frustrating though so hope it is fixed soon.



    • SherriS's avatar
      Cover User

      Thanks for the three dot tip.  It's a pain but at least I can get stuff done! :)

    • Unfortunately, my eyes are not so good anymore and I'd like to see which one is which. I have over 70 invoices in my in tray - yes, I know I should do them more regularly!!

      • Earl_HD's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi ALl,

        Thank you for your post, and I apologize for the delayed response. We truly appreciate you sharing how you found the solution, Jedwa. For more information, feel free to explore this helpful article: Working with In tray documents.

        Feel free to post again, we're happy to help!

  • Same here! Has been like this for days now and unfortunately MYOB doesnt seem to have an area to "Report a Bug" so we have to wait until someone see's this post in order for action to be taken. Quite frustrating.