Well, things were on the up. Until recently someone (something) using AccountRight was fixing all my invoices that customers had paid using a C/Card and after a few days the $$$ would land in my account and the payment would match to something that I could never view because I don't have AccountRight software. Just before Christmas however, a customer used BPay and now I have a payment in my bank feed that doesn't match the invoice (because BPay can't be surcharged) and the invoice shows as paid.
Could you please wake up one of your bots (who I suspect live on the sub continent) and get this sorted, please pretty please with sugar on top.
If this is going to be an ongoing issue, should I turn off the BPay option?
Now for the praise; I am 95% happy with MYOB Business. Once I got over the (not asked for) upgrade from Essentials, I find most aspects of Business to be intuitive enough to work for me and my (getting smaller by the day) business, especially payroll. (Some employees do find the Teams app to be buggy but I can't really pin down a consistent issue there) and please tell me that business owners still don't have to enter themselves as an employee in order to approve timesheets.
One step at a time
Cranky Book Keeper (95% ecstatic)