Customer statement reporting incorrect aging totals
Our customer statements are not reporting correct total for some of our customers.
We send out customer statements at the start of overy month. At the bottom of our statements we have totals showing 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, current and grand total.
We have been using the same statement form for years. For the last 6 months or so, some of our customers have reported that when they receive their statement that the 30 days, 60 days etc. totals are not populating and that its all just lumped together in 'Current'.
All of our cutomers are set up as 30 days from EOM on their card and our setting are set up to "Use Monthly Ageing periods"
Ive checked our statement form and it all looks correct as it shows "Period 1, Period 2, Period 3.
I will upload screen shots of our current settings and a customer statement showing invoices from different months and how the totals do not display correctly.
I have spoken to MYOB on the phone and they couldnt figure out why.
Has anyone had this problem?
Any suggestions?