Forum Discussion

Tina1959's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 years ago

Incorrect creditor balances

I have an accounts payable reconcilliation amount that shows 2 creditors that have balances owing. These are both foreign currency amounts.

Example 1 shows a balance of 2c - but the card shows a balance of $45 AUD. The actual balance is nil. I clicked on the purchase that has 2c owing and the balance shows nil so there is nothing to corect - have no idea how the card shows a balance of $45 - how do I fix this.

The other card is for Euros with a similar issue. I have 3 amounts "owing" one of them is a credit but there is nothing showing in returns and debits so I can offset the credit of one against the outstanding balance of the other. Even if I could do that there would still be 4c Euro outstanding.

They are not large amounts but it is annoying to have them show up each month as payable in the aged payable summary

When I do pay creditors using pay bills the old purchases with the oustanding amounts do not appear so I cannot even enter as a discount to get rid of them.

Please advise

  • Hi Tina1959 


    Thank you for providing those screenshots.

    Just taking a look at them, I actually think you might have two issues that are almost masquerading as one. For example, Purchase order 00012672 is closed but is still showing a balance in the local currency and then you have the balance impact of that card, which is unrelated.


    Either way, I've arranged for that company file to come in for an investigation and possible repair. You'll get an email soon with all the details in relation to that process. All the information required is included in the email but do let us know if you have any questions about the process.

  • Hi Tina1959 


    Based on the information that you have provided, it sounds a bit like we may have to arrange for the card to come in for an investigation and possibly a card recalculation.


    Just before we do arrange for that one, getting the following screenshots would be ideal so we can review the values to ensure that is the case.

    • The Purchase Register>>Open Bills for that supplier for an extended date range 01/07/2000 -31/12/9998. 
    • The Purchase Register>>Returns & Debits for that supplier
    • The Aged Payables - Outstanding purchase analysis window (Open the supplier's card and select the Balance arrow - top right)
    • The Payable reconciliation report with an as of date of 31/12/9998
    • Tina1959's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Stephen,

      Thanks for the response.

      There are no open bills for supplier 1 or supplier 2

      There are no returns and debits for supplier 1 or supplier 2

      The sreen shot shows the balance of AUD $45.54. For supplier 1. The oustanding is theroretically 2c. If you look into the invoice (2nd screen shot) the balance is nil - no idea how it can be showing $45.54?

      3rd screen shot shows the 2 c outstanding in the reconcilliation report for supplier 1.

      4th sreen shot shows card detail supplier 2. This is made of 3 invoices - screen shot 5 - but again if you look into the invoices the balances are nil.

      I saved the reconcilliation for the second supplier but I cannot upload it onthis post so will add to a second post.

      Let me know what you think.

      It is not a big deal but I would like it to be correct going forward.

    • Tina1959's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Stephen - this is the second response with the last upload attached that did not fir on the previous response.

      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Tina1959 


        Thank you for providing those screenshots.

        Just taking a look at them, I actually think you might have two issues that are almost masquerading as one. For example, Purchase order 00012672 is closed but is still showing a balance in the local currency and then you have the balance impact of that card, which is unrelated.


        Either way, I've arranged for that company file to come in for an investigation and possible repair. You'll get an email soon with all the details in relation to that process. All the information required is included in the email but do let us know if you have any questions about the process.