Forum Discussion

ryadre's avatar
Trusted User
9 days ago

Item numbers longer than 8 numbers not importing Item correctly

Coming back to this now 3 years later from a previous post, as it still bugs me in my day to day use. I have done some testing just importing 1 particular item that doesn't get imported.


I have found that if I change the Item Number from 510610003 down to just 51061000 it imports correctly. If I leave that 9th number (3) on the end it causes an error 58 that the income account is wrong and cant be sold.


I have many items from the same manufacturer that use a similar 9 number item code, so having to go through manually and change the product codes each time I want to update isnt suitable.


Can some one have a look at this bug please? Or a solution for it


Accountright Plus NZ (Desktop version)




  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi ryadre,


    Import error 58 usually means the item was imported, but 'I sell this item' isn't selected. This looks similar to the issue in Import/Export Error Code 58 | MYOB Community. You might find the info there helpful in fixing it.


    If the issue persists, it's best to reach out to our live chat support through our virtual assistant MOCA or submit a case via MyAccount so they can further look into this.







    • ryadre's avatar
      Trusted User

      Thanks Sai


      First I have heard about having to add a line with {} on it, when I export the list I dont think it has that.


      My items list is about 30,000 products, and I create the list in Excel so they all have the same format regarding 'I sell this item'


      Initially in the first import with this one test item, I get the error 42 for Item Name cannot be more than 30 Characters. I then for testing purpose shorten the Item name, then after import the error becomes error 58 for income account, item cant be sold. (Yes you are right the item does import, but no income account filled, cant sell this item, no sale price etc)


      I then change the format again by shortening the Item number to 8 numbers instead of 9 and it imports correctly.


      So by my deductions there is something happening regarding the length of the item name. For now, I have manually gone through handful of the common products i use that had this issue and manually entered the income account, and filled the sell price in. As a side note when entering the sell price, when you go to the next product manually to do the same thing, the sell price automatically is filled in with the previous products sell price which could cause a issue if you dont catch that.

      • gavin12345's avatar
        Ultimate User

        Hi ryadre 


        What you are reporting is 'odd'. I recommend getting someone like MYOX Services having a look at the file, particularly inventory. They have software to analyse and look for common issues that might cause what you are reporting. What you are seeing might be caused by duplicate records in the selling price matrix. They don't charge to analyse, only if they need to fix something. Also having 30k items will definitely put a strain on Ar2024. Are they all necessary. FYI MYOX Services has a bulk delete service.


