Forum Discussion

A-L's avatar
Experienced Cover User
4 years ago

Re: 4077 Errors

Hi Steven

I am having the same error 

import  more than 500 ok, 70 odd skipped due to this error 

Can you run the script over our file as well please? 

  • Hi A-L 


    Thank you for confirming that information


    I have arranged for the necessary script to be run over the company file for you. Do ensure that you close down and reopen that company file before re-attempting that import.

    Let us know how you get on and if you require further assistance.

6 Replies

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  • Hi A-L 


    Happy to arrange for that script to be run for you. Would you mind confirming the following information so we can arrange for that:

    • Where the company file is stored i.e. online or local
    • What the LAST FOUR DIGITS of the serial number is - Setup>>Company Information
    • What is the company file ID - Help>>About AccountRight
    • A-L's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Ok. I'll reply through private message. 



    • A-L's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Actually, private messages window isn't opening for some reason.

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  • A-L's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Steven


    We are having the 4077 error with some of our imports as well. Can you run the scrippt over our file as well? 


    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi A-L 


      Thank you for confirming that information


      I have arranged for the necessary script to be run over the company file for you. Do ensure that you close down and reopen that company file before re-attempting that import.

      Let us know how you get on and if you require further assistance.

      • A-L's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Awesome. It worked. Thank you