Forum Discussion

MichelleRana's avatar
3 years ago

Supplier discount duplicating

I have an issue with payments made to a supplier that have a discount applied. The discount has deducted twice. Can you advise how to fix this?
  • MichelleRana's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi Clover

    I think this has come about when you go to pay it asks if you want to print now or print later.  I remember selecting print now for the first few thinking its just printing a confirmation of the discount.

    I have just paid another bill for the same supplier but selected print later. It appears to have processed discount once only.

    I have gone back in and deleted the discounts that appeared to be duplicated and everything looks fine now.


    Will have to keep an eye on this in case it happens again.


    Thankyou for your help.