Forum Discussion

TomD's avatar
Trusted Cover User
2 years ago

Checking pay run failed - again

in a previous post re an unrelated matter Tracey advised:


If you get an error when recording a pay run that it has failed the STP, click on Update details to check the error code. Or, you can click on Payroll Reporting>>Check Payroll Details in the desktop to view any issues. Please feel free to send us screenshots of any errors so that we help resolve them.


It seems each time I have to do a payrun with either someone new being added or someone leaving the company and unused holiday pay being paid out or anything else out of the ordinary, I am getting an error message. Unfortunately the error does not provide any insight as to what is the cause or even who it relates to. I am now already doing pays that falls into the above class separately, so at least I know which staff member is affected. 

Today's final pay for someone came up again with this error and I attach screenshots.  Using the online version it just says failed and to try again.  Same result and I don't see any option for "Update Details".  In the desktop version running the Payroll Reporting , Check Payroll details I am getting "nice one". So how do I proceed.  Why is MYOB not providing clear error messages?


Then after having run the other payroll with the standard pays without issues, I tried again the individual final pay and this time without having made any changes, it was accepted.   It's just weird.

  • Sam_R's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi TomD,


    Thanks for reaching out. 


    I can't say I've seen this before, however, if you could locate your diagnostic and error logs when the error message pops up again, could you attach them to your reply here? This way we can further investigate what might be happening. 

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