2 years agoExperienced Cover User
Default super fund
Hi all,
We have a new employee who does not have a super fund - how do I work out which fund in our list is the deafult and then how do I set the employee up with them?
- 2 years ago
Hi CMichael1,
Thank you for your post.
Every employer must have a default super fund that complies with the ATO requirements. This is the super fund your employees can join if they don't already have one. To determine the default Superfund, go to the Setup menu >> General Payroll Information. You can add this super fund name to your new employee, and you'll need to contact the superfund for the employee membership number. For further information about this, kindly refer to this Help Article, Set up superannuation funds.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you require any further assistance with this. I'm happy to assist you.