2 years agoExperienced Cover User
Enter Time Sheet - greyed out hours
Hello Did the payrun today and one of the payroll staff enters their base hours time directly in to Enter Time Sheets. When processing that pay the 6 hours for the first day of the pay week were greyed out. However were included in the weekly total of the Enter Time Sheets screen. It was not immediately noticed. When in Process Payroll those 6 hours dropped off. When going back it was advised that day had been processed in a previous pay. We tried to edit it and it was not possible - now why it was greyed out made sense. We can find no evidence of this occurring. We've checked the transaction journals, payroll reports, etc. Do the time sheet hours take effect at that stage or when the payroll is processed. The staff member, has declined to be paid the 6 hours as she is part of the payroll team until we can understand what has happened. I believe she is entitled to be paid for the 6 hours however would like to prove it to our employer and the employee. What should we look for? Regards Elizabeth