Forum Discussion

LindyMH's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago

EOFY Payroll submission errors - urgent- please someone reply

I've been waiting on the phone and no-one picks up....


I have actually processed my EOFY for the year as all payments have been made and this is the error.


29/06/2022 - 29/06/2022    29/06/2022 7:04pm   Accepted with errors
Accepted with errors. The good news is this report has been accepted by the ATO. But, there are a few things you need to fix before your next pay run. These are listed below.

Employee information errors

  • A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field).
    (ATO error code: CMN.ATO.GEN.XML03)


I have no idea what I'm supposed to do or what the hell this code is.  I also didn't realise that the STP report didn't match my payroll register summary and payroll summary reports (which do match) but I have submitted so what am I supposed to do???  I've never had so much trouble trying to run an EOFY payroll report before.


In looking at previous questions, are we not supposed to terminate employees in the system???  I definitely don't want to go and re-activate all the employees I've terminated but am I going to have to do that to fix what has happened.


Please someone come back as I don't know whether my employees are going to get the right payment summaries and whether I've totally stuffed up in the system.


Not sure what my hard earned money is paying for at the moment.

4 Replies

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  • Hi LindyMH 


    Thanks for your post. The ATO error code CMN.ATO.GEN.XML03 means that there are invalid characters in the payroll information. Invalid characters are "[ ] ! # $ % * ; = @ <>\ _ { } ^~`"

    You'll need to check for (and remove) any invalid characters in your employee cards and payroll category names. Also check for spaces at the end of fields in the employee cards and payroll category names. 


    If you have moved to STP Phase 2, terminated employees needed their termination dates removed and to be reactivated prior to the move. Once the move was completed you could re-enter their termination dates and make them inactive. If that wasn't done you will need to:

    1. Remove the termination date from the employee card
    2. Re-activate the employees
    3. Check the employee details
    4. Send an update event
    5. Re-enter the termination date and make them inactive

    If the AccountRight reports and YTD verification report don't reconcile you will need to undo the finalisation, reconcile those reports and then re-finalise. The post, AccountRight reports don't match STP reports, has detailed information to help with reconciling.


    The post, EOFY FAQs and Resources 2022, has links to posts and Help Articles that you may find useful.


    Please let me know if you need further help.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • LindyMH's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thank you for your reply - how do i undo the finalisation??


      does this mean in future, I will not be able to terminate employees.



      Do I un-terminate them from MYOB or the STP area??


      EDIT - This appears to only affect terminted employees prior to the STP Phase 2

      EDIT - As the code error only affects 4 employees I've just checked everything and can't find anything wrong with their cards.  This is so frustrating.

      • Tracey_H's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi LindyMH 


        To undo a finalisation:


        1. go the EOFY finalisation tab
        2. choose the payroll year
        3. click on the ellipsis (...) for the employee and choose Remove finalisation. If there's no ellipsis select the employee and click Remove finalisation and notify the ATO
        4. enter your details and send

        Remove their termination dates from their employee card.


        You will still need to terminate employees. The ATO have stricter reporting rules in STP Phase 2 so things that were accepted in STP Phase 1 are now reported as errors in Phase 2.


        As you've narrowed the error down to the terminated employees check the payroll categories only used in termination payments. Make sure the payroll category names don't have any invalid characters or spaces at the end.


        Please let me know if you need further help.


        If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • davemac's avatar
      Cover User

      Your answer makes it sound simple but what happens if you didn't know you were that " terminated employees needed their termination dates removed and to be reactivated prior to the move"

      How were we supposed to know to do this


      Also regarding the invalid characters .. does that apply to email addresses for example that include an "_"

      You should stop trying to make it sound like an easy fix when it is obviously a significant problem for lots of user