Forum Discussion

tonyr2's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Forced to move online to use STP phase 2

Hi, All


I need to get more clarity on moving from STP to STP phase 2, I am currently using AccountRight ver 2022.4.0, but the company files are not online. I would like to move to STP phase 2 however my client dosen't want to go on line. 

I am sure you have heard it all before, this is a big issue I am sure there are many organisations out there with the  same problem. Our staff number is fairly low and are mainly employed as casuals. 


What are the options available, what are other users doing, we would like to stay off line.  Thank you



  • Hi tonyr2 


    MYOB aren't budging on this, insisting it is an ATO security requirement. If the file can't be online for any reason, you might need to think about either not using MYOB or using a 3rd party program like STP Creator for STP Reporting. This works with offline AR2022 files and allows you to complete STP Reporting.




  • Hi tonyr2 


    MYOB aren't budging on this, insisting it is an ATO security requirement. If the file can't be online for any reason, you might need to think about either not using MYOB or using a 3rd party program like STP Creator for STP Reporting. This works with offline AR2022 files and allows you to complete STP Reporting.




  • Hello tonyr2 


    You'll complete the move to STP Phase 2 online (via a web browser) so you can integrate with the ATO's online services. This is only possible if your company file is online.

    If your company file is offline (saved on your computer or a network server), you'll need to put your company file online to move to STP Phase 2.

    We have obtained a deferral from the ATO which means you do have until the 1st January 2023 to move the file online and start reporting with STP Phase 2

    • DMCH's avatar
      Experienced User

      I think it is absurd that we are being forced to move online, given the data breaches that have occured lately why would anyone want there company information online if they can avoid it.  I have several clients who are very much against it.  I have to advise them on the best option and to be honest I don't think going online is one of them.  Very disappointed in MYOB, a company I have supported for over 22 years.

      • AndrewC2340's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Myob have nearly driven me insane with the crazy things they force on users and the dumb ways their software tries to work.

        The tentacles that myob allow to be inserted into its and its users data by governments is frightening.

        The issue is that the government gets to benchmark every business and therefore can start taxing each business uniquely, maybe not now, but it opens that door. And Myob are able to pass information onto 3rd parties to also do similar things.

        Its about control and everyone will figure it out too late.


    • PowerMyobBI's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      ChrisMYOB  gavin12345 


      So i have a number of terminal server files locally and just wanted to confirm....can we upgrade to 2022.5 and keep file offline until January 2023? or will this upgrade force the file online?

      • ChrisMYOB's avatar
        Former Staff

        Upgrading the software won't put the file online, so you can upgrade to 2022.5 and keep your file offline until it is required.
        You have to go through the process of putting your file online for it to be in the cloud. 

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