Forum Discussion

UCA's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago

Invalid superannuation member number-Media Super

We are getting a message that the employee super member number is incorrect. The employee information has been confirmed by the employee and against ATO records, the ABN and USI have also been confirmed. And there has no problem for last 10 months. 

9 Replies

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  • Sam_R's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi UCA,


    Thank you for your post.


    After having a look at their website it looks like this fund is being merged with another. I would advise your employee to speak with the fund to confirm their new details. 


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • BronwynHamster's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Afternoon All,


      MYOB has deleted Media Super from their Superfunds. The merger is not happening until 11th April. MYOB would you please reinstate immediately so we can submit SG payments for our employees. More care should be taken by such a large software provider.


      Thank you. 

      • Sam_R's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi BronwynHamster UCA,


        Thank you for your posts.


        Merges happen quite often, and It is not unusual for funds to be removed from our active fund list whilst they prepare for a merge. This ensures employers do not encounter further issues with their super payments - being rejected, returned, etc. And as noted on their website - "Due to the planned merger with Cbus on 9 April 2022, a Limited Services Period (LSP) will apply as we transfer your data to your new account in the merged fund".


        If you have any further queries on this, I would advise speaking to the fund directly for more information. 

    • UCA's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      But the change is planned to happen in April. Why MYOB stops payment today?