Forum Discussion

aaronvee83's avatar
3 years ago

Pay Superannuation - Invalid employee membership number

Using: AccountRight Premier AU2023.1.0


I am trying to pay an employees superannuation through the "pay Superannuation'


I get error message for employee: "You need to enter a valid employee membership number for this employee"


Superfund is: Colonial First State. The USI and all other details are correct. I have checked Registered Name, ABN and SPIN

The employees membership number is 13 numbers long (I have also tried it with "00" at the front. 


Can you please assist?

  • I have also had some issues with Colonial.


    My first port of call was getting the employee to contact his Super Fund to get confirmation of membership/Letter of Compliance, as the Super Fund may not be able/willing to disclose any personal details to you. 


    Alternatively you could use the ATOs Super stapling service to look up the details.






    • Thanks Vidario. 


      I have received the superfunds confirmation of membership and it matched the ATO's super stapeling. Both are the same information that is in MYOB. 


      So something must be wrong with MYOB.. 

      • vidario1's avatar
        Trusted User

        I believe Colonial went through a name change/added a service, or similar process relatively recently. I believe the new fund name is now FirstChoice. That could be part of the issue.