Forum Discussion

Beckstar99's avatar
2 months ago

Payroll Issues (FY23 and current)

Hi all,

I am seeking some assistance with 2 payroll issues for a client I recently onboarded who had not lodged a BAS June 23 but had finalised payroll for the FY23 year to meet the deadline without reconciliation of the bank to highlight a payroll issue.

The second issue is related to the restoration of a backup and omitted payroll entries.  Any help greatly appreciated.



Upon reconciliation of the bank account, it was noted that there were a number of payroll entries which had been duplicated in MYOB (but not paid through the bank).  I have shown examples below.


The transactions are showing in employee history but the YTD figure on both the transactions is the same and it seems that both have been reported to ATO via STP (see images below).

If I undo the finalisation and reverse the pay to remove it from the bank account and associated GLs, how will this impact STP at ATO given it doesn't look like YTD is wrong?



















I have needed to restore a backup of this particular file to the cloud but due to timing, 2 payruns have been completed.  These are now missing in the current file and need to be re-entered but have been reported to the ATO as normal when they were processed.

How can I reprocess the payruns without reporting the to ATO?


Thanks in advance for all assistance.





4 Replies

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi beckstar99


    I see you need help with payroll transactions for reporting. For your first issue about duplicate transactions, you’ll need to identify which ones are from payroll and which are from the bank feed (since the duplicate probably came from there). Once you’ve figured that out, you can delete the duplicate from the bank feed and match the remaining transactions to the correct bank feed.


    For your second question, check the payroll reports (payroll activity, payroll register, and YTD verification report) in the restored file before processing the two pay runs. If the figures match up, you won’t need to run another payroll. Changing the figures from the employee card can cause discrepancies, so we need to be careful.


    Let us know if you need any more help!



  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply.  I'm not sure I understand how the transactions can be from the bank feed as they appear to be payruns that have been accepted by the ATO in STP.

    It looks like one group of payroll transactions in the reconcile account have been "reconciled" by clicking on the payroll entry without a match to the bank transactions and now when I try to match those transactions in bank transactions, they are causing bank rec to be out of balance because the transactions do not exist.

    Please help - I'm confused.



    • Shella_A's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi beckstar99


      Thanks for the update. I get that you're having a bit of a tough time matching your bank feed transactions and the payruns that the ATO in STP has accepted. It looks like there's a bit of a mix-up between the payroll transactions in your reconcile account and the bank transactions. I recommend checking the employee's payment method and the accounts linked to payroll; this will determine why the payroll transaction is not showing under the bank feed window. If the employee is set for electronic payment, you'll need to download the bank file to assign the transaction in the bank feeds window. If the payment is by check or cash, make sure the correct account is linked. If it's not, you'll need to reverse and redo the transaction to match it. Let me know how you'd go with this and if you require further help.



      Kind regards,


  • Hi,

    Upon further review, it seems that no transactions were received via STP to the ATO between 22/04/23 and 10/07/23 when updates were done to notify ATO for EOY so as to allow employees to complete tax returns. 


    It seems as if all the payruns were included in the update even though one cannot be reconciled to the bank as it was not physically paid.

    When I open any of the pays, the option is delete, not reverse - is this because they were not sent as STP?

    See below GL where same colour on same date represents duplicate pays.  The circled item was not physically paid at all and looks as if it was done in error.

    In the reconciliation screen, I have references 317,323,324,326,327,322,329 still showing as unreconciled however the bank reconciles without ticking these off as the other references have been "reconciled" as some of the bank transactions did not match (eg/ paid manually in two amount - payrun = $660, employee paid $600 and then $60) so could not match.

    I think I need to delete these transactions so that the bank reconciles correctly - I want to make sure that the appropriate things happen at the ATO hence my questions.

    Looking forward to your response please.

