Forum Discussion

MS2's avatar
6 years ago

Resending a STP

An error code appeared when I lodged the STP (Single Touch Payroll). The error stated that the software was not linink to the ATO. This has been checked with the ATO and the infomation is correct and they have advised me to resubmit the Payroll. How do you re-submit.

  • Hi MS2 


    You cannot resend a rejected report so need to create an update event by processing $0 pays for all effected employees. This will update the YTD amounts with the ATO.




  • bungy15's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi MS2 


    You cannot resend a rejected report so need to create an update event by processing $0 pays for all effected employees. This will update the YTD amounts with the ATO.




    • MS2's avatar

      Hi Tracey,


      I just did them all as Zero and it worked.


      Thank you.

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