Forum Discussion

Mathilda's avatar
Trusted User
3 years ago

Duplicated pay in bank recon

Hi there, hope someone can help me.  I am trying to do a bank reconciliation but have found that on one pay run I have the total paid for wages, as well as an individual transaction for one of the employees for some reason, so I am out of balance with his amount.  (No indivicual transactions were made from the bank). This has never happened to me.  I can't delete that individual transaction because it tells me it has been reported to the ATO and that it has to be reversed instead.  Just wondering how to go about it and how it could have happened.  Will everything at the ATO still be correct once I attempt a reversal?  I am attaching my payroll activity report and the bank reconciliation - (all personal information deleted).  Thanks in advance ...

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  • Sorry I forgot to upload the screen shots

  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User



    The first thing I would do is to unreconcile the  single joe bloggs transaction ( remove tick)

    Then go into the transaction ( blue arrow)

    See if you can edit the trancation ( top ribbon on left hand side) and see if delete payment comes up. Delete the payment which will delete the myob transaction to the bank not the pay itself


    You need to check that there are infact two pays entered for JB - your report suggests not 


    Do a find transaction for the amount and see what comes up . Are there two payroll transactions or has someone just entered a random entry just a spend money.


    If indeed there are two pays for JB you do need to reverse one as the ytd figures sent to ATO will be wrong in any case. The second pay and the reversal will cancel out the additional figures.


    It looks like a rogue entry really especially as the payroll activity only shows the one amount.


    Look at the entries and see whats what


    Hope this helps



    • Mathilda's avatar
      Trusted User

      Hi LRBooks61 


      Thank you for your response.  Delete payment does come up, but as explained it will not let me delete it, but tells me to do a reversal.  I have no idea where the individual transaction comes from as I am the only one working on the payroll and I have not done a "spend money" transaction - I work from the bank feed and there was no single payment made to this person from our bank account, only the bulk "pay employees" amount, that is why I am not balancing :(

      • Mathilda's avatar
        Trusted User

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