Forum Discussion

sandersonlj's avatar
4 years ago

Matching over/under wages payment to payroll ..

Is there a way to match a payment in banking transactions to a payroll entry that does not equate to the payroll data? That is the payment may be under or over the payroll amount.  I can get to the p...
  • Steven_M's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi sandersonlj 


    If deleting the transactions is not an option you would be looking at recording a series of banking transactions to remove the payroll amounts from that account to a holding account and then process transactions back to the bank account in the way it was paid.


    I've outlined the process I would use below:

    1. Create a holding account - Business Name Menu>>Accounts Lists>>Add account -- Give the account a number, name and set the account type to be Bank.
    2. Record a Banking>>Receive Money transaction from the Main bank account to the holding account for the amount that was paid via that payroll transaction. This cancels out the withdrawal of that payroll funds from that account.
    3. Record a Spend Money transaction from the Main Bank account with the allocation account being the holding account for the amount actually paid. This will generate a withdrawal in the bank account which can be matched to that payroll transaction.
    4. When the residual amount is paid, it would be another Spend Money transaction the same as Step 3 but for the amount that was actually paid.