Forum Discussion

CooksPlus1111's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

Import Error 4077

We are trying use import to update prices for multiple items. We get the error code Error -4077: You have sales for this item. We have Quotes, not Orders or Invoices.


Our file in stored locally. Having searched for answers in the community we are looking for the tool that can be run over the company file to aid in that message.


Our file in stored locally.

last 4 digits of company file is 1694

Company File ID: 1


Thank you. 

  • Komal_S's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi CooksPlus1111 


    Please take a backup of your file and then run the following hotfix tool on your file to fix this problem 


    Hotfix Tool  (Right-click on the link and "Save as" to download the tool)


    Steps to Run the tool 

    1. Close AccountRight

    2. Download the tool given above. 

    3. Navigate to where you have saved that file - typically the Downloads folder on your computer

    4. Find the Hotfix tool zipped file and select to extract the data - typically right-click and Extract All...

    5. Once extracted, select to run the AccountRight_Hotfix.exe file. This will open the tool.

    6. Browse to the impacted file and select Open once located.

    7. Indicate that you have a backup of the file and then Apply.

    8. Once you have that message that the tool has been run successfully, close the tool and open the file in AccountRight as per normal. 

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    • CooksPlus1111's avatar
      Contributing User

      That didn't work. How does the script work on a local file? 

      • Komal_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi CooksPlus1111 

        In your serial number, there is a file with the ID:1 which is currently online and I ran the scripts on that. Can you confirm if that's not being used anymore and if you have another copy offline?