Forum Discussion

adamstewart's avatar
2 years ago

Invoice Template - MYOB Business

The templates are way too limited to be considered 'business'-worthy.


There are fields for the data entry of the sale which do not show on the invoice, such as the job name and these fields cannot be selected to appear.


If jobs are used, then it is likely that the client will want to see either the job number or job name.


Even my old MYOB AccountRight Standard version could do this.


Can this feature please added to the online MYOB Business Lite version asap?

It would make a huge difference.


2 Replies

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  • Autobook's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I completely agree with you.  I have been asking about this since MYOB Business first appeared... I've asked the support member virtually every support call I've made to MYOB over the past couple of years, and no-one seems interested.  I notice this question has been asked multiple times on MYOB forums and as far as I can see it has never received a reply from MYOB moderators.


    As you have stated, the old MYOB AccountRight had this as a standard feature on invoices, so it seems MYOB has stopped improving their product as they are too busy increasing their fees.  I don't understand how a company can routinely increase their rate on March each year when they have not bothered to equally expand or add-to their product.


    Another client has just asked me to set them up with a web-based MYOB product for their business which has grown, and since they require Job numbers to appear on each allocation line of the invoice along with all item details, I will advise them that MYOB doesn't seem to be a good business solution.

    • Isaiah_C's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi everyone,


      Thank you for raising your concern to us. We really appreciate your feedbacks to help improve our software and we want what is best for our customers. You can submit your ideas here MYOB Business/Essentials Idea Exchange - MYOB Community so we can vote and discuss it with our MYOB product developer team and let's hope that it will be added to our software.


      Please let me know if you need further help.


      Kind regards,
