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MYOB Secure Invoicing Upgrade: update and Summary 11/03

Mike_MYOB's avatar
Community Manager
4 days ago

Hi everyone,

Due to a high number of comments (and MYOB replies) about Secure invoicing, I am posting a summary of the change, frequent questions/complaints and the answers from MYOB to make it easier for everyone to find this important information. I will also be archiving the previous discussions on the forum so that this new post becomes easier for customers to find.

It is a long update, but in the interest of transparency, fairness and to avoid any concerns around censorship, I am doing my best to make sure everything is covered.

The Secure Invoicing upgrade began with a small test group of customers in October 2024, and we have continued to roll this out to more customers in small batches since then. We are some time away from this being released to all customers, so don’t worry if you have not heard of it or seen any communication from us.

What is the Secure invoicing upgrade?

Secure invoicing is an important upgrade being rolled out this year to customers who send invoices on MYOB subscription plans. From MYOB Business Lite, through to AccountRight Premier.
The upgrade adds multiple layers of security for your business, plus automation features designed to help you save time and accelerate cashflow.

The Secure Invoicing ecosystem is a combination of the secure distribution of invoices using MYOBs trusted software (Email, SMS, CopyLink) and the ability to accept secure payments.

Secure invoicing includes:

  • Always-on fraud monitoring for transactions and payment activity
  • Secure payment methods
  • MYOB verified badge
  • End-to-end secure invoice distribution

Additional questions/objections to this:

  • Why is online payments combined with secure invoicing?
    + Online payments should be separate / I don’t want online payments
    + I’m happy to have additional security with invoicing but I don’t want to have payments.
    • The distribution of invoices using MYOB software, fraud monitoring and secure payment of invoices is combined into a single MYOB Secure invoicing ecosystem to provide the best possible protection for businesses and consumers. Although these features are combined, you have the flexibility to adjust settings to suit your preferences around the secure payment methods.
    • Learn more about changing your settings here 
  • Is this the same as e-Invoicing?
    • No – e-Invoicing is an ATO initiative, similar to this but it is only for the digital exchange of invoice information directly between a supplier’s and buyer’s accounting systems, regardless of the software they use.
    • You can learn about e-invoicing here.
    • MYOB Secure invoicing is for all business using MYOBs software, and applies regardless of whether the invoice is being sent to a business or a consumer.
Why is MYOB making this change?

Cyber security is a constantly evolving landscape with new threats emerging daily.
MYOB continuously develops and invests in solutions to meet these challenges, but security is a shared responsibility and requires vigilance from everyone.
Financial losses from online fraud and cyber scams cost Australians over $2 billion in 2023. Scam reports from businesses rose by 28%, resulting in $29.5 million in losses. Small businesses, with fewer resources for risk mitigation, were hit hardest, reporting nearly $12 million in losses from false billing—the most common scam.
MYOB understands that falling victim to a cyber scam can have very real consequences. That’s why we have developed and will continue to invest in secure invoicing, in addition to other essential security measures like Multifactor Authentication (MFA) and inactivity login timers.


Additional questions/objections to this:

  • Is there a legislative/legal mandate that MYOB is adhering to for this change?
    • No, the Secure Invoicing upgrade is a decision MYOB has made to protect business and consumers across Australia. There has been reference to MYOB complying with legislation as part of the verification process and this is still also true when it comes to the Secure payments component.
    • To comply with anti-money laundering legislation, we must verify certain documents in line with KYC regulations. Read more here.
What do I have to do?

Customers are required to verify their business as part of the upgrade process. This includes identity verification of all ultimate beneficial owners (typically any individual with 25% or more ownership or voting rights for a company) 
Find out more about verification here


Additional questions related to this:

  • I don’t want to give sensitive information to MYOB
    + How is my data being stored and treated
    • All information will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be accessed here:
    • For further peace of mind, our current system for verification erases documents after 30 days and does not store them indefinitely.
What happens if I don’t want to verify my business and/or I don’t want to upgrade?

Customers who do not complete the business verification and upgrade to secure invoicing will be restricted from utilising the MYOB platform for distribution of invoices.
This means that distribution of invoices using the secure methods of email, copy link and SMS will be unavailable.
Customers can continue to send their invoices themselves however and will need to use a ‘Print to PDF’ option, then manually email the invoice themselves through Outlook, Gmail etc.


Additional questions related to this:

  • If I can no longer email invoices through my software, will I still be able to email payslips and other information?
    • Yes the restrictions only apply to the distribution of invoices. There is no restriction to emailing other items.
What are the fees and charges for the online payments feature?

The fee for secure payments is 1.8% of the invoice value + 25c transaction fee.
This only applies if the invoice is paid by a secure payment method.
For example, if the recipient of the invoice still chooses to transfer the money to you via bank transfer, there are no fees. But if they paid via Bpay, Visa, Mastercard etc then the fees apply.

  • Please note that there is flexibility with the fees.
    • You can decide whether the fee is paid for by you or by the person paying the invoice (surcharging). *Please note, BPAY fees are unable to be surcharged to the customer.
    • You can also choose whether you want to have BPAY enabled or disabled
    • You can choose whether you want to have secure payments enabled or disabled

*Please also be advised, that after completing the secure invoicing upgrade, the secure payments feature will be enabled on by default.

Find out more about the fees and charges here

Why should I use online payments?
(spoiler, this hasn’t been asked yet, but it’s important to know)

Using the online payments feature has multiple benefits to you and your business.

  • Get paid faster – the sooner a customer receives an invoice, the quicker they can pay you. But how much of a pain is it to copy a BSB and Account number into your banking app and make a transfer, add in the reference etc. The Pay now button in the invoice makes payment quicker and easier helping you get paid faster.
  • Getting paid faster helps increase cash flow to your business
  • Better security – online invoice payments use several layers of protection to identify fraudulent behaviour.
  • Peace of mind – A network of verified businesses means fewer risks and safer transactions, so clients can invoice with confidence, and customers can pay knowing they’re interacting with a trusted business. 
  • Save time – get automatic notifications when payment is made on an invoice. Payments are automatically recorded in your software and the invoice closed off. Less time chasing payments and debtors.
  • Read all about it here

Additional questions/complaints related to this:

  • I don’t want to use the service
  • Why should I verify if I am going to turn payments off afterwards
    • MYOBs position is that Secure payments not only protects businesses and consumers from fraud but it supports businesses in getting paid faster, increase available cashflow and saving time chasing debtors or reconciling. We recommend and encourage customers to keep this feature enabled

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand this change more.
If you have a question, you are still welcome to reply to this post or start a new discussion in the forum.


Kind regards, Mike/MYOB

Updated 4 days ago
Version 2.0
  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    If MYOB is so big on this secure invoicing, will you finally let us remove the invoice summary from the cover emails that go out with the invoices? At the moment, many of our emails look really unprofessional (and provide our confidential internal breakdowns to customers). That in itself is almost enough to make us switch providers. MYOB remains marginally in front on a few other points that we re-evaluate regularly, but this aspect is embarrassing. Our hope is that customers who receive the unprofessional-looking cover emails assume it's a MYOB glitch and blame you rather than us.

    • AmandaCL's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hey H-TS 

      I can see this one's been posted over on our Ideas Exchange recently. Your feedback and all the incoming votes are continuously being forwarded to our product teams to help shape priorities for the future, however, at this point in time there aren't any immediate plans to remove the invoice summary from emails sent through MYOB.

      • H-TS's avatar
        Trusted User

        Thanks for the reply.

        Any chance of adding a thumbs down icon in addition to the like? Because really, I believe the developers do whatever they like and not what the users need or suggest.

  • Alex_Int's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi there, I verified our business and all went through, however there was no warning that all my future and past invoices would be automatically switched over to having the option for online payments. One of my overdue invoices was then paid via BPay without me knowing that would be an option for them, and I'm now slugged with a $4.75 fee that's come off my invoice payment. I have since turned off the option for future invoices, and any previous invoices I now duplicate need the option turned off individually (annoying and a waste of my time). Can you please contact me via private message to discuss a credit for the BPay fee that was foisted on me? Many thanks, Alex

    • AndrewC2340's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Yes chase them for that.

      Everyone chase them for the fees refund.

  • Borrett012's avatar
    Experienced User

    Thank you for all that information....I know your doing your best but I am tired of this whole procedure.  I have been locked out of the invoice emailing again for the 4th time.  I have, as I said, completed all my verification over 3 months ago and am waiting for MYOB to finalise their "14 day verification process" from their end.  I of course will not be using the secure invoicing process anyway.  could someone please help me get back into the system

    • Mike_MYOB's avatar
      Community Manager

      Hi Borrett012 , I will send you a private message so that I can get your account details and/or serial number. I'll be happy to extend the verification window and escalate what has cause the delay for you

      • Jo15's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Hi Mike,

        Why is the Myob forum on through google turned off! Obviously this is a big issue with your clients! Absolute BS in trying to avoid fraud and telling BS to your clients.

        What a grift Myob has become! Everyone needs to tell Myob don't let the door hit you in the backside on your way out!


  • AndrewC2340's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Well, MYOB certainly are showing their hand.

    Removing the negative feedback regarding Secure Invoicing under the guise of Archiving it.

    It's the next best thing to consorship rebranded as doing everyone a favour.

    I think this tells us that MYOB have no intention of backing down on this.

    They are trying to divide users and hide the true extent of the dissatisfaction of this policy. 

    Mike has been put in a difficult position and is following orders.

    Isnt that right Mike?

    I think you might have a case against MYOB for a toxic work environment.


    Watch.... They will shut this comment down too. Smells like trouble.

    • Mike_MYOB's avatar
      Community Manager

      Hi AndrewC2340

      This was my decision to repost a summary of questions and answers on this topic.
      It is definitely a balance between not wanting to censor feedback, and ensuring that people can find the answers they need.
      If I was finding a thread in the forum about this, I wouldnt want to scroll through ~200 comments to see if someone else had the same question as me and what the answer is.

      By Archiving the existing conversation, yes a lot of the emotion associated with the feedback is also removed. But the constructive questions and feedback remains.

      I continue to be an advocate for customer feedback and for building a community built on respect and trust. I will not remove the comment you have made as this or any kind of censorship is not what I am about.

      • AndrewC2340's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Thats not entirely true.

        MYOB - "Mind Your Own Business" - Its become the exact opposite.

        The sooner I get away from this toxic organisation the better my mental and financial health will be.

        MYOB is destroying my life.

    • Jo15's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Pure grifting and extortion by MYOB  

  • Sandie_1stBS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I've just been through the process but cannot complete it as it's asking me, as Administrator, to provide verification of the business owner's identity by entering details of his driving licence, which (obviously) I cannot do. What do I do here? Not all business owners actually work in the businesses they own or even live in the same state, and MYOB takes no account of this.

    • Mike_MYOB's avatar
      Community Manager

      Hi Sandie_1stBS , if the owner has access to the software then they could log in and do this themselves.
      Otherwise, if that is not an option, you can contact the support team by creating a case through and they will be able to work with you and the owner to get this resolved. Regards, Mike

      • Sandie_1stBS's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Yes, I can do that but why is the process asking me to provide identity details for someone else? I have input his mobile and email address, so the system has his details. Whoever wrote the program for this seems to have made it difficult.

  • Borrett012's avatar
    Experienced User

    Total new thread but is anyone else having issues with their log in.  We have been unable to log in since yesterday morning.  MYOB is ruining my ease into retirement.... 


    • Nickisms's avatar

      Is your issue that nothing shows when you type? We have that issue, but even though our email address and password do not show on the screen they are actually there. We can log in this way, but it is a pain if you do a typo as you can't see it! Hope this helps, but if it is some other issue l can't help, sorry.

      • Borrett012's avatar
        Experienced User


        It is exactly that!!! So fortunately, a friend told me to copy and paste to enable the log in.

        Such a pain.

  • Princess_R's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Alex_Int,


    Secure payment methods come with secure invoicing, which means they'll be added to invoices automatically after you upgrade. However, BPAY will be turned off after verification since you can't pass surcharges to customers using this method. So, it's a bit odd that your customer had that option when they paid online. I've sent you a private message to help get things sorted. 




  • Shepai-8-2017's avatar
    Experienced Cover User


    So scary reading through your comments. I was positive with the secure invoicing although we are happy to function the old fashion way. I have a question on fees and charges. 


    " Transaction fees: 1.8% of the invoice total + $0.25 per transaction. You can surcharge these fees to your customers, excluding BPAY. But you can choose to exclude BPAY as a payment option. "

    " Fees are debited when the customer pays their invoice, so you'll receive the invoice value minus fees. Learn more about the fees and charges and what happens when a customer pays you. "


    Who gets the 1.8% and $0.25 ? The bank...

    Ouch !!! invoice value minus fees !!!  


    I don't mind downloading the invoice in PDF and emailing them, it will be tedious, but I can live with that. It is just soooo scary that other users used the "Secure Invoicing" and having a bad time.


    It will be nice though even if we opted for not upgrading, we will still enjoy the emailing of invoices because that is already a feature of the software before you thought of the "Secure Invoicing". 


    I just hope, fingers -crossed, that our software is still running smoothly even if we don't upgrade to "Secure Invoicing". 


    Please MYOB Team be nice because I have fought hard and square against our accountant who insist on switching to XERO.


    Kind regards,


  • Shepai-8-2017's avatar
    Experienced Cover User



    First, apologies to Jo15 and AmandaCL because I did not specify "secure payment".


    Neither the client nor business owner would like to use the "secure payment" because of the additional cost. (1.8% of the invoice total + $0.25 per transaction)

    We can Deselect the option for Online Payment but will still show "Active" on the status.

    "Online payments will still have a status of "Active" even after you "deselect" Allow online invoice payments. This is the overall status of your online payments service."

    This is confusing.

    "Secure Invoicing" upgrade is for security against fraud if our clients will pay trough "Secure Online Payments".  But either way, nobody wants to pay surcharges. So, we prefer the old ways of bank transfer.

    If we prefer the bank transfer, we always print the invoices and sent out with the products they ordered, none of our clients asked for copy link and SMS options, then upgrading is unnecessary. 


    I just have to manually download a handful of invoices to PDF and email them as attachment.


    I need a guarantee from the MYOB moderator that the emailing of the invoices is the only one affected. Although, I feel this is not a good service deleting a feature just because we did not upgrade.


    For the requirements, (preventing fraud if our business is legit?) Drivers License or Passport, residential address, name and birthdate is fine because MYOB might send us a birthday card or gift.  Estimates of total annual sales in dollars and number of online invoice transactions per month, ABN - which I believe we have already provided when we registered. Although we trust the Privacy Policy. The thing is, we are not using "Secure Payment, SMS link or Copy link". So, it is unnecessary to upgrade.


    My BIG WORRY is, if I will not upgrade, what feature will be affected aside from emailing the invoices.

    Appreciate MYOB moderator working on this issue diligently. So stressful... 


    Kind regards,


    • Jo15's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Shepai,


      Thanks for reaching out! I appreciate you feedback! I still have the same distress and feelings toward Myob! The upgrades they are applying to our group of businesses are just another work around step we don't need! One of our businesses a retail store with several branches! We have many employees, fulltime and casual coming and going and the workflow of not being able to take an order over the phone and email direct to a client is absolute madness! From what I take away from all this drama! sales staff will have to convert to a PDF then email as an attachment! If this is the case Myob software is useless to us. Wishing you well!  But the distress this is causing is exhausting!