Can't confirm company file - PLEASE HELP!
Hello! I need to confirm my company file but it won't work because I'm "unable to connect to MYOB's Online Confirmation Service" from within the program and can't do it online either. The page that various articles about confirming your file direct you to are out of order.
I am also getting nowhere trying to confirm it by phone. Several phone number listed by MYOB for auotomated confirmation are "unavailable". I did get an answer when I called 1300 555 123 but have been on hold for the last hour, apparently all that time in Position 2 in the queue, so I guess that's not going to work either.
Can someone at MYOB please help me confirm the file? It's an AccountRight Standard 19 file that I bought outright years ago and have been using happily and successfully ever sense. No, I do not wish to upgrade it. No, I have no desire to take out a monthly subscription. I just need to confirm the file as I've done for the last few years.
Thanks in advance,