Forum Discussion

SNSAU's avatar
3 months ago

Payrun>payroll data of a client is not loading unlike other clients which are getting loaded quickly.

 I am having issue with only one particular client company payrun and payroll the web page after clicking payroll is not loading, In dev tools the chrome shows the error code 400
This is shown in network tab


Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "The Threshold should not be null and requires a $ value.",
    "requestId": "******************",
    "errors": [
            "message": "The Threshold should not be null and requires a $ value.",
            "helpId": null,
            "helpLink": null

  • Hi SNSAU,


    The error "net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" usually indicates a potential issue with the SSL certificate. You can troubleshoot this by following these steps:

    • Clear your cache to resolve any issues caused by outdated or corrupted data stored in your browser
    • ensure that the SSL certificate is correctly configured and matches the domain name
    • Make sure that all required fields, especially the "Threshold" field, are filled with valid values

    We also suggest reaching out to your IT expert for more assistance. 




    • SNSAU's avatar

      hi Princess_R thank you for your reply 
      1. I have tried clearing the cache and even login via incognito mode still the webpage is not loading 
      2.  the domain name is valid and correct 
      3. I have no idea how to fill threshold values please help on this
      Thank you!
      in addition can i raise issue with MYOB team for this case please help me with their email id