Forum Discussion

suegeorge's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Need to delete a "payment" I accidentally created

Please help.  


I didn't get any responses to my question this morning.  I'll try to explain it better.


I'm creating an invoice, but suddenly a payment appeared. NOT from a bank transaction.  It's like i've accidentally created a manual payment.  But I can't find it and delete it.


Can anyone tell me how I might have done that and how to correct it?




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  • suegeorge's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi everyone, and thanks in advance


    I'm a beginner.  I was just making an invoice for a client and it looks great BUT i must have pressed a wrong button and somehow an invoice for $2500 has turned into an invoice for $5000 and it says there was a payment for $2500???


    In other words it looks like a "payment" for $2500 has been added BUT there was no payment.  Also, MYOB doesn't show me a payment record in the "activity" so I don't know how to correct it.


    I tried to delete the whole invoice and start again, but I can't delete the invoice because it has a (false) payment record relating to it.


    Many thanks for your help


  • Hi suegeorge


    Thanks for your post. I'm happy to help, can you please provide a screenshot of the invoice activity history so I can assist. 

      • Melisa_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi suegeorge


        Thank you for the screenshot. Can you please go to the banking tab > find transactions. Can you expand the date range and select all accounts, in the search field can you please enter 2,500. Does a transaction appear ? 


        If it does, can you click into it and attempt to delete the payment. 


        Do let me know how you go. 

    • suegeorge's avatar
      Experienced User


      You can see where I've somehow created a "payment" but they haven't paid ... and it doesn't show on the "activity".  How on earth did I manage that? lol