Forum Discussion

ozeami's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 years ago

Remittance Advise in USD Missing!



We are using AccountRight Premier AU 2020.2.2 version build 2020.2.23.9038. We have both USD and AUD on our books. 


We recently moved over from MYOB Enterprise edition and are having difficulty providing supplier remittance advice in USD. In the old version we could go to Reports->Supplier Payments and we would have reports generated in USD showing exact payment amounts and what they were applied to and send these to our suppliers but in the new paltform the reports are generated in AUD which are useless as there is no way for our suppliers to reconcile these with invoices they have sent us!! 


Please advise ASAP. 

  • Hi ozeami 


    Thanks for your post. In AccountRight 2020.3, the following reports have been updated to support foreign currency transactions:


    • Purchases Supplier Summary report
    • Purchases Supplier Detail report
    • Sales Customer Summary report
    • Sales Customer Detail report
    • Customer Payments [closed invoices] report

    For further information on 2020.3 please refer to the blog article: AccountRight 2020.3 is now available


    Please let me know if you need further help.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

  • Hi ozeami 


    Thanks for your post. In AccountRight 2020.3, the following reports have been updated to support foreign currency transactions:


    • Purchases Supplier Summary report
    • Purchases Supplier Detail report
    • Sales Customer Summary report
    • Sales Customer Detail report
    • Customer Payments [closed invoices] report

    For further information on 2020.3 please refer to the blog article: AccountRight 2020.3 is now available


    Please let me know if you need further help.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • ozeami's avatar
      Experienced Cover User





      We downloaded and installed the latest version 20.3 however this still doesn't resolve the issue which has to do with supplier payment remittence. This is normally under "Payments => Supplier Payment History" report. This report still shows the payments in local currency rather than originating currency and there is no option to change this. 


      Neither of the following reports which do include originating currency in this version replace a remittenace advise. They don't have records of when payment was made against which orders. This issue remains open without any solutions! Once again this was never a problem with MYOB enterprise for 16 years and yet again there doesn't seem to be a solution here in Acocuntright. 


      None of the following reports can be used as remittance advise. 


      • Purchases Supplier Summary report
      • Purchases Supplier Detail report