Forum Discussion

BenchCBS's avatar
Experienced Cover User
8 months ago

Payroll Activity Report not matching Payroll Register or STP Payroll Summary

In August 2023, we had a permanent employee leave after just a couple of months. At the time, he was just paid out for his unused annual leave and leave loading without doing a 'Final pay', so PAYG was not accounted for, and the Unused Annual Leave was not correctly categorised in MYOB. A termination date was logged on his card. All this was done in the desktop version of AR.

The employee then returned 2 months later as a casual and his card was re-activated and the termination date was removed.

Come July 2024 and the error with the PAYG not being calculated on his August 2023 unused annual leave payment was discovered.

His pay from 7/08/2023 was then reversed and a new 'Final pay' was generated using the web browser version of AR. 

Unfortunately, this action has now thrown the reporting out with the activity report not matching either the register or payroll summary reports, (both payroll register and summary match).

I communicated with Niel in Support who recommended that I reverse all the employee's pays up to the date of his return and start a new card and record them all in there. This also meant having to redo all his timesheets and job allocations as well. 

I did this, but the problem remains. The activity report is showing $233.43 (the unused leave & leave loading payout combined), more than the register and summary reports. Although the Final Pay shows on the register and payroll summary reports, the amounts are zero'd out by equivalent negative balances in Unused Annual Leave and Leave Loading.

I realise that the issue revolves around the Unused Annual Leave and Annual Leave Loading, but I am not sure how to fix this without creating more problems.

I have attached current redacted copies of the 3 reports.


Any help is very much appreciated.

  • BenchCBS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Earl_HD 


    I have done all the $0 payruns and Update events, but the Register and Payroll Summary reports still differ to the Activity report.


    I am completely stumped as to how to proceed from here.

  • BenchCBS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    We had already processed pay runs for this year when the error was found so I am unable to change the employees pay history.

    • Jemar_C's avatar
      Valued User

      Hi BenchCBS,


      Thank you and I understand the issue still occurs even after doing the $0 pay and update event. This might need an in depth troubleshooting. You may ask MOCA, our virtual assistant click the chat bubble at the bottom of any help page and ask a question. If MOCA can't help, you'll be guided to our other support options, including live chat.


      Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.


