Forum Discussion

DeborahBurns's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 months ago

New Email presentation of Invoices

Is there anyway of turning off the detail of Invoice Summary showing in full on the new email layout which presents direct on the emailed page to the client rather than just the pdf or view click through to invoice which is preferred please? 


  • DeborahBurns's avatar
    Experienced Cover User


    The above old layout looks so much more professional than the new layout below!


    the Details further down the email that now show in the Description lines don't line up with the Amount Line.. its all out of wack and cluttered which gives a very unprofessional look! Please let us know how to turn this layout back to original. 

    • BofB's avatar

      Agree, I just came here for the same issue!

    • tim999991's avatar
      Contributing User

      Agree, need to remove this "email summary" from the body of the email urgently!!!

  • Copycat's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Urgently need help on this!!!


    Why was there no warning about this change??


    There is no easy way to email RECEIPTS to clients (not print, email) and so we send the invoice with a ZERO BALANCE, following payment via credit card.  We use stored CC details with clients i.e., we don't have the client in front of us to tell them the payment has been processed - this is shown in the pdf we send from MYOB.  Following this UNANNOUNCED change, all clients have since received an email with the wording "Due XYZ Date" highlighted at the top of the email layout, PLUS an invoice summary that DOES NOT SHOW THE ZERO BALANCE.  Do you know how many calls we've fielded already with people confused about whether the invoice is actually paid??  We look like idiots - and trust me, we are telling everyone this is a MYOB fault!!




    BTW, I rang the priority help number, but of course, you weren't open!

  • Acme_20_yr_cust's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Wow - how about just making the product faster and the reports work!

    My major issue with this is that the customers are clicking though and trying to pay the invoice here.  We have an online system and the older layout of emailed invoices was clear and easy for the customer 

  • I am having an issue with this also.  Paid invoices show the full amount in the summary, I think this looks misleading and will lead to customers paying this invoice again.  I want to turn this feature off.

  • Ki2's avatar
    Contributing User

    Is there any update yet on how to change the new email layout? The old one was fine not sure why MYOB changed it. If a client has paid anything towards an invoice this is not reflected in the email heading and shows the whole balance still owing. How silly MYOB! We have had customers paying the full invoice again not remembering they have paid a deposit due to MYOB new misleading emails. How do we change it so the subject heading does not contain the full invoice amount owing despite what has been paid. I really do not want to have to generate two or three emails for every single sale, it will be so much more time consuming and confusing. Once again, MYOB manage to get it so wrong and have people working on these programs with no practical experience of how businesses may operate. Also, not accounting/bookkeeping experience to know what is actually required of the program. Please FIX ASAP. This is the busiest time of year for a lot of small businesses and they do not need to be wasting their time with this!

  • Copycat's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Just had an EXCRUCIATING call with MYOB for 1 hr and 25 mins and I was given ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  It's going to be escalated to a product specialist apparently - so don't hold my breath.  It was time I'll never get back!  This just reinforces why I avoid calling MYOB at all costs.

    • DeborahBurns's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Looking into it further... I believe the only way I am going to be able to do the invoicing at the end of the month is to print each invoice as a pdf and send them as my own email ... that is going to be Excruciating!! 

  • Copycat's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    yes – I confirmed with myob during my phone call that the only way to email a receipt to a client is to print it as a PDF and send it through one's own email server – there is no automated capacity through myob  as per the case with invoices.

    • DeborahBurns's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Which is a backward step as previously you could "Customize" an invoice template to show a Zero balance once payment was received and then email direct that customized template to the client using what I had listed as a Receipt template

      with the attached pdf being 

      But now as you and the other person have pointed out that $409.56 balance shows on the email if sent out via MYOB and is giving the impression that the balance is still due! Which is highly confusing and wrong!! 

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey DeborahBurns Copycat BofB ABS66

    We've raised your feedback to our teams and have made the following changes:

    • Removed due dated and added paid to invoice summary (with $0 balance due)
    • Added balance due item in invoice summary 


    In terms of the issue with how the customer email displays, as shown by DeborahBurns we've found the issue to be with invoice emails opened in a classic version of Microsoft Outlook. This issue does not exist with all webmail, newer outlook apps and mobile apps. We are currently investigating this further. 


    Thank you all for taking the time to share your feedback. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.

    • tim999991's avatar
      Contributing User

      Are we going to be able to remove the "Invoice Summary" from the email??? We do time billing and each line of time is showing in the "Email Summary", which can be pages long. We don't want our customers seeing this information necessarily.

      • AmandaCL's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hey tim999991

        The option to remove the "Invoice Summary" from the email isn't possible at this point in time however it's definitely something we can explore.

        We've announced changes to our Ideas Exchange recently so it's currently in a read-only mode. I'll make a note of your suggestion and will make sure it's reposted there once our new one goes live so other users can vote and we can add weight to your suggestion.