7 years agoCover User
Changing Order for entitlement listing
Hi All, I just want to figure out is it possible to change order (circled in red) without deleting any categories. I want to push up base salary on top of annual leave pay. So that whenever i p...
- 7 years ago
Hi WyongDaniel
The payroll categories lists are hardcoded to be in alphabetical order. If you were wanting to adjust the order of the various payroll categories then they would have to be renamed so that the order you wanted was done alphabetically
This could be done by using a code at the start of the payroll categories name. so if you wanted to have Base Salary above Annual Leave Pay as an example you could rename them to be
A1 Base Salary
A2 Annual Leave Pay
B1 Sick Pay
This would allow the payroll categories to be sorted in the desired order. In addition you could also use different letters to create different “sets” of payroll categories. For example “A*” could be the basic wages, “B*” could be allowances and so on