Forum Discussion

BenchCBS's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 months ago

Holiday Leave Loading not showing on Payroll Activity report for final pay

I had to go into a prior period to reverse a final pay that had not included the PAYG withholding on the unused annual leave and leave loading, (the only components of the final pay). I resubmitted the correct final pay but now the Leave loading is showing up as a credit & debit on the Payroll Register report and as a debit only on the Activity report.


On the payroll register report the credit is showing up as 'Holiday leave loading' and on the same line on the activity report, there is zero recorded under 'Other Paid Leave'


Can anyone assist me with how to correct this? Its throwing the final figures out on both reports.


The payroll register figures for this employee match the ATO Summary of payments.



  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi BenchCBS,


    Thank you for the post. I understand that you've had to make adjustments to a prior period to correct the PAYG withholding on the unused annual leave and leave loading. To resolve this issue, we can start by reviewing the original and corrected payroll transactions to ensure the adjustments were posted correctly. Then check the Payroll Register and Activity reports to identify any entries that are showing as both credits and debits, particularly for the leave loading. It sounds like the leave loading is showing up incorrectly, so we'll need to adjust these entries.


    We can also go to the Payroll section and navigate to Payroll Categories. Locate the Leave Loading category and review transactions for the affected period.


    We need to verify as well that the PAYG withholding is correctly recorded. If needed, we might reprocess the payroll for that period to ensure everything is accurate.


    If you still encounter any issues or need further assistance, you can contact our live chat agent via our virtual assistant MOCA or submit a support request through MyAccount.




  • BenchCBS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Thanks you for your input Isaiah_C 

    The discrepancy is solely around the holiday leave loading and I believe its as a result of the initial transaction and the subsequent reversal being done as a 'normal' pay category 'Holiday Leave Loading' in the desktop version, whereas the revised transaction has been done in the cloud version as a 'Final pay' and has allocated the loading to FP: AL Loading - ULT. The Payroll register and the STP Summary for this employee are both showing the $33.72 as a debit to FP: AL Loading - ULT and a credit to Holiday Leave Loading thereby zeroing out the balance in error. I am just not sure how to correct this given that it only shows on the Payroll Activity report as a debit under FP: AL Loading - ULT.

    • Jemar_C's avatar
      Valued User

      Hi BenchCBS,


      Thank you for your post and it seems you have another post with the similar issue and we have posted the work round to fix this. You may check this thread.


