Notify ATO JobKeeper again in new payroll year - problem
Re. this notification....
Updated 9 July 2020
If your employees are still eligible for JobKeeper payments in the new payroll year, you'll need to notify the ATO again of each employee's First Jobkeeper fortnight. See task 4 'Notify the ATO that you're starting to pay JobKeeper' for details.
I have finalised STP for 19/20 and am following instructions for task 4 as mentioned above, however when I go to the JobKeeper Payments in Payroll Reporting Centre, and select the new financial year, the screen is empty, none of my employees are showing up to be selected or not. I have closed and reopened MYOB but hit this snag. Am I missing a step?
I've now entered the first pay run for 20/21 and after submitting that to ATO through STP, the employees now show up in the JobKeeper screen for 20/21. Have solved my own problem.