Forum Discussion

tns05's avatar
Experienced Cover User
4 years ago

Superannuation - Cannot make payment due to fund change



I have phoned MYOB technical help asking for assistance but to no avail...  One of my employees is with Energy Super.  A merger has taken place with LGIA Super overnight.  I am trying to make my June Superannuation payment through the MYOB super portal but am unable as MYOB are no longer recognising Energy Super as a fund.  I was told to change this to LGIA super by MYOB staff however after speaking with Energy Super, I have been advised that this is incorrect.  Energy super still exists as a fund and only the USI and ABN need to be updated.


If I change my employees fund to LGIA in the portal they will not receive their super contribution.  Energy super has advised that every super portal has updated their information for Energy Super except for MYOB.  Can you look into this immediately MYOB and update the details accordingly.  Simply changing my employee from Energy super to LGIA super is not the answer and if I had of just followed the advise from technical help, other problems would have been created.


  • Hi tns05 


    We're currently investigating this, and will post an update as soon as we more information. In the meanwhile, if your employees have received communications about updated USI and ABN, please send them through by Private Message.
    Updated fund details added in the software.
  • Hi tns05 


    We're currently investigating this, and will post an update as soon as we more information. In the meanwhile, if your employees have received communications about updated USI and ABN, please send them through by Private Message.
    Updated fund details added in the software.
    • CTF's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      was this resolved as I am having the same problem. it's a nightmare resulting in super payment being late 

      • tns05's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Hi!  Yes it was resolved.  MYOB had to re-create a new Energy Super account.  Then I had to go and add the new Energy super account against the employees who have Energy Super.  Just check the USI number has changed.  I can't remember off hand the new USI number but you should be able to check it against Energy super on their website.

    • echokim's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I have two employees in this fund issue.

      Their money has just been refunded by LGIA again. 10 August


      When will this issue be sorted ?

      • Komal_S's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi echokim 

        Can you confirm the USI and ABN of the fund so we can advise under what details it will be available in the software.