Forum Discussion

MikeG1's avatar
MYOB Moderator
4 months ago

MYOB 18/06: Updates on forum errors since upgrading

Hello to all MYOB Community Forum members, staff and visitors!

It has been 6 weeks since we made our upgrade to the new version of the Community Forum.

I wanted to provide some transparency around the experience so far, our known issues, what actions are being taken and what has been resolved so far.

Thank you
all for your feedback and engagement with the change, I look forward to being able to fully realise the potential of the forum and having MYOB working side by side with customers to learn from each other, answer questions and solve problems.

Please see the details below of outstanding, resolved and ‘other’ issues.

Open issues

  • Some new posts not appearing for moderators in the back-end tooling.
    • This is an important one that we are working hard to resolve – we want the majority of posts, if not all of them, to receive a response. Ideally this would be a reply from other members of the community or alternatively it will be from our MYOB moderators.
    • In the interim, moderators are working through the front end of the community, filtering/looking for posts with no reply, and responding to them.
  • Some registered members are unable to create new posts.
    • So far this seems to only be affecting MYOB Staff that are not part of the moderation team.
    • It also only seems to be affecting a subset of boards.
    • This is still being investigated – if you are receiving an error when trying to create a post please let me know.
    • Errors could be ‘something went wrong’, ‘cannot add message’, ‘you’ve exceeded the maximum number of posts you can publish’.   
  • The ‘back-end’ support tool has been presenting old posts to the moderators as if they were new.
    • This would have caused some members to get a reply or acknowledgement of a post that was potentially months/years old.
    • Moderators are now validating the ago of a post through the forum itself before responding to ensure this is not a concern.
  • Clicking the magnifying glass on the top right of the page did not present the search bar
    • This was intermittent, did not affect all members and was also improved by clearing cache.
    • This will be resolved on the 27th June when community version 24.5 is released.
  • After searching for an answer in the forum, when scrolling down through results, the page would glitch as it expanded to show more results.
    • Thankfully this did not affect the functionality of giving results to search queries, but it has not been a good experience to see on the page.
    • This will be resolved on the 27th June when community version 24.5 is released.

Resolved issues

  • Email notifications included minimal preview of the post, compared to previous experience where you would see the entire message.
    • 15/06 - Email notifications now display the whole message rather than a preview
    • We are still working further with the team to have the subject line reflect the title of the post however
  • Unable to send private messages.
    • This was resolved on 13/06
    • As an FYI, by default, registered users do not have the ability to send private message, this is to encourage open discussion amongst the community.
    • There may be times that moderators will need to communicate with you by private message however in which case you will be granted the ability to do so.
    • If you feel you need the ability to send private messages, please reach out to a moderator via our ‘welcome to the community’ board.
  • When clicking the notification bell icon, the page with a users notifications would come up blank or be missing information.
    • This was resolved on 11/06 – if you still encounter any issues here, please let me know.

Other issues

  • When the upgrade was first completed, there were multiple instances of customers clicking on a post or a link and being redirected to an unrelated post or location within the forum.
    • It has been very difficult to replicate these experiences in order to have the developers investigate further/work on a solution.
    • Initially we found that clearing cache helped reduce the frequency of this, BUT it appears to have resolved itself.
    • Please let me know if this happens again to anyone!

Thank you again for your participation with this Community. I look forward to what the future holds for our forum and its members.
If you have any questions or feedback, please send me a reply here.

Cheers, Mike – Social & Community Support Manager

  • Hi MikeG1 


    It is taking awhile to get used to how the new forum works. I few 'erks' include:

    • main page shows 5 posts - can this be increased or customised by user. Constantly having to press 'Show More'.
    • After pressing 'Show More' we see a super sized display of the next post's user icon etc. Must click outside to clear this from screen. Combination of this and above means more annoyances which could easily be avoided.
    • the inconsistent and bewildering hierarchy or nesting of posts needs to be addressed as a priority. Like most regular forum readers, I only want to see the latest update to a post, as we have already read all previous posts in the thread. Finding the latest post can be frustrating. Even though I select Newest as 'sort by', I am rarely taken to the newest post. Take this post as an example - main screen shows updated 3 hours ago. Click on link - scroll click, show more click, I need to read every post and posts under each hierarchy or nest to find the latest post. Previous forum software showed every post in chronological order, even if the reply may not have been to the preceding post - this makes more sense to me and is easier to read rather than jumping around the nested posts.
    • main screen show for each post the original author then when last updated. To me it makes more sense to see name of person who make the latest update, rather than the original author.
    • clicking on the '3 hours ago' link should take you directly to the most recent reply - it doesn't - see above comment about confusing nested posts.




    • Mike_James's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi allrailkw , are you signed in? I find I have to sign in to the forum much more often these days.

  • MikeG1's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi loz82 - sorry that you had to create a new account. 
    There is a setting on the AccountRight boards where it is mandatory to use at least 1 of the preset tags (Desktop/Browser) before you can publish a post.

    It looks like a bug if you had an error about exceeding the number of tags but its also odd that this didnt happen to you under the new account

    I will remove this setting for mandatory tagging while we investigate, thanks

    • loz82's avatar
      Experienced User


      All good, at least I know I can post while you "iron out the wrinkles" 

      Thanks for your quick response. :-) 

  • MikeG1's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi gavin12345 , thanks for the reply! 
    Good shout on the limit to 5 posts. The maximum we can display is 20 and I have updated the settings to this now. 
    The same has been applied when looking at the category and forum pages

    I agree with your observations about the author, timestamps and nesting as well. This isnt the most user friendly. 
    I dont believe it is a setting that I can change to affect this easily/immediately, but I will discuss it with Khoros and see how this can be improved

    • Mike_James's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi MikeG1 , the emails I receive even today are still truncated, you mentioned that should no longer be happening?

      • MikeG1's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Mike_James - thanks for letting me know. It looks like the preview changes whether it is a mention, reply or subscription alert. I am going back to them now about this and also about the subject line

  • allrailkw's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Yeah, I am signed in; but you can't start a new question.  Not sure on why this was changed but it sure is not for the better!

    • MikeG1's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi allrailkw - check out this post from Amanda about how to start a post here.

      Although there are more steps involved to starting a new post, this change encourages 2 benefits.

      Members can ensure that they are posting in the correct location by navigating there first (correct product/workflow etc) but also it is highly likely that an answer to members questions will already exist in the forum.

      Finding an accepted solution instead of creating a new post will be quicker for members and create more value from the forum

  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    I am curious about this sentence:  "Ideally this would be a reply from other members of the community or alternatively it will be from our MYOB moderators." How many members have time to sit here and reply to other members or look for new posts? I only come here when I'm desperate for an answer. I don't come just to see if I can answer any recent questions. Personally, I'd rather the forum was completely s**bleep**ped and the resources allocated to fixing bugs and/or faster support.

    EDIT: The word sc rap ped was bleeped. So I'll say closed/deleted.

    • MikeG1's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hey H-TS , community is all about people helping each other.
      The community forum is not really intended for customers to get support from MYOB but is a source of help that is valuable to a wider audience instead. 

      'Support', which is done on a 1:1 basis of customer to business is found via the more traditional channels of phone, livechat and cases.

      But instead the community forum is a place to work with other customers and our moderators to find solutions. Solutions and answers in the forum tend to be given in a way that benefit all customers in a 1:many situation.

      We have many wonderful active members in the forum just like Mike James (that you can see in this thread above) who spend a lot of time helping others. 

  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi MikeG1 , looking at the below post in the list of recent posts/replies, my reply does not appear. But looking at recent posts in my profile, the reply is visible, and the whole post appears (intact) if I open my reply.  A mystery!


    401 Unauthorised Error MYOB Business Plus | MYOB Community


    To follow up a point Gavin raised, if it is possible to display a list of posts and replies for one user under their profile, then could we please have the same content under recent replies/posts on the home page for all users? Seeing recent replies is far more efficient than having to open the thread to see what the latest reply is. And we always used to be able to see (in the list of recents) which board the post or reply was from (and the count of user's posts), but now this is not visible.

  • AlanT's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi MikeG1 


    Any chance we could get the option to be able to edit an entry once it has been posted? 


    Obviously you should only be able to edit your own post, but I haven't found that feature yet.





  • MikeG1's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi AlanT and Mike_James 
    Editing a post currently has a time restriction, you can edit up to 1 day after the post has been made. I will look at extending this though as I dont really see any reason why people cant/shouldnt be able to edit their own post

    For the recent posts - I noticed the same thing Mike but from a different perspective.
    There was a 'recent' post showing as '21 days ago' with no replies - but the post had actually been made 3 years ago.
    I have raised this with the Khoros support team yesterday

    Appreciate you raising these points and thanks for hanging in while we improve

  • loz82's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi @MikeG1

    I'm getting an error saying that i exceeded the number of tags? 

    if i unclick it, it then says that it needs to be tagged? 


    • H-TS's avatar
      Trusted User

      Glad I'm not the only one! Although I've been assured by the moderators a few times that there is no limit (Sorry I don't have a solution for you though)

      • loz82's avatar
        Experienced User

        LOL, I ended up getting around it by creating a new account..... not the perfect solution, but I needed an answer.... :-)