Forum Discussion

Nola217's avatar
8 months ago

Unable to reprint invoice in locked period

After this mornings update, we are no longer able to reprint or email invoices which are in a locked period. We constantly use this for information to rebook services & also to follow up on unpaid invoices. We also cannot keep asking our bookkeeper to unlock & relock the files (I've already done this too many times this morning). Hopefully this is just a glitch & the good people at myob are already working on a fix.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  • ETF's avatar
    Experienced User

    NO response as  yet  and  too many days have  passed 


  • We also have the same issue immediately after the last update 2024.6.0 build 2024.6.1.9. at the beginning of June 2024. MYOB should fix this issue immediately without further delay. It is very chaotic and very inconvenient for all desktop-based users. MYOB should at least acknowledge that they are working on to resolve it.

  • Rebecca711's avatar
    Experienced User

    MYOB - This is becoming a real issue as our staff cannot reissue invoices on request and now have to come through accounts every time a customer needs an invoice reprinted which is not a great use of everyones time.  PLEASE CORRECT THIS ISSUE OR ATLEAST ADVISE us what is occuring.  

  • Hi Nola217 and ASDAccounts,


    Thank you for your post and I understand that you are unable to print invoices under locked period. Please check this thread for the workaround to access and fix it. 


    Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.




    • DiemTran's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi Jemar_C, 


      Just wanted to check if you read the concerns from Nola217. 

      The link you provided, I strongly believe is what they are already doing.

      We should not be required to unlock a "locked period" and then lock the period again just to be able to re-print or send the invoice. 


      Can anyone assist with this, as I am having the same issue. 


      • ASDAccounts's avatar
        Experienced User

        DiemTranthat's correct. 

        Since the update you can't email or re-print an invoice unless you unlock the period. This open the doors to way to many issues within a company.

    • ASDAccounts's avatar
      Experienced User

      Thanks but i already know how to do this.

      This issue is due to the new update yesterday.

      I will not be unlocking and re-locking a period everytime we need to re-send or re-print an older invoice.


      Another solution is required.

    • ETF's avatar
      Experienced User

      This has only started for us after the update on Friday 19 7 24 NZ Security lock is not ticked is unlocked and still does not work. Was fine  on Thurs 18.7.24.  Rang  support  and waited  got through and then cut  off. Do not  have the time to  sit  on phone. I do  not  feel that  MYOB support  understand the timeframe we need as MYOB clients. 


  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey everyone, Nola217

    Thank you all for taking the time to raise this. I've forwarded your feedback to the relevant team for further investigation. The current workaround to print invoices dated within the lock period can be found on this page. If there are any further questions, feel free to reach out.

    Cheers, Amanda. 

    • AlanT's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      AmandaCL  This is a bug that your developers introduced with a recent update, they must give it a top priority to correct their error ASAP.  Users are not longer accepting the off hand "we've notified the relevant team" approach.  They need to be told it has to be corrected ASAP and not left to be fixed if and when they can slot it into their massive to-do list.


    • ASDAccounts's avatar
      Experienced User

      AmandaCLthis work around is not a good option. If you read most of the comments. To unlock and re-lock a period is extremely risking to many companies. You need to get this escalated!

    • AmandaCL Unfortunately the workaround you've suggested will not work for us as the office manager is the only person that is "allowed" to lock & unlock the periods. MYOB need to fix this.

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey everyone, Nola217

    Thank you all for taking the time to share your feedback regarding this issue. I'd like to confirm that we have raised this through to our developers to fix as a priority. 

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused in the meantime and will make sure to keep you all updated. 


    Cheers, Amanda. 

    • MYOBuser25's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi AmandaCL 

      Sorry but this is absolute **bleep**. Problem was reported weeks ago now and we should not have to wait until your next planned update release on the 15th. This is not an update to improve MYOB it's a FIX to correct a MYOB stuff up that is impacting on untold numbers of businesses.  We pay MYOB for providing working accounting software and right now ITS NOT WORKING!

      Can I bill MYOB for my time that MYOB is wasting???

      • Sovauto's avatar
        Contributing Cover User

        I totally agree!
        We deserve at least a credit on our next invoice for the inconvenience and time wasted. 

    • SoFrustrated's avatar
      Contributing User

      This comment was 2 days ago, in addition to your similar 'cut and paste' reply from 4 days ago.  Still no fix.  Again, an inappropriate work around is not a fix.  The company pays for the system to be fully functional and has an expectation that the product they are paying for works the way it should.

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi everyone, 


    I understand how impacting the lock period error is in printing your invoices. I can assure you that the development team is working on a permanent fix for this that will be released as soon as possible. 


    In the meantime, you can also follow what Julian_h has mentioned in this other thread
