Forum Discussion

MishW's avatar
9 months ago

Colonial first state wholesale super (FSF0511AU) length of member number


When processing pay super the employee with Colonial first state wholesale super (FSF0511AU) says 'you need to enter a valid employee membership number for this employee'.

I have verified the membership number with the employee and Colonial which is a 12 digit number.

Colonial suggest adding the prefix 001 to the front of the membership number - which does not work.

Searching the community I can see some posts where MYOB has suggested 011 is the correct prefix.

I just want to verifiy how long the number is as the 12 digit membership number starts with 011.

Does anyone know?

Thanks & hoping!

3 Replies

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  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, MishW 


    Thanks for your post, and welcome to the MYOB Community Forum. 


    If you are receiving the error "You need to enter a valid employee membership number for the employee" when processing super payments, make sure to add the prefix 011 if the super fund is the Colonial First State - FirstChoice Wholesale Super. Kindly remove the entered membership number on the employee card and re-enter it with the correct prefix. 


    Please let us know how it goes on your end. 


    Best regards,


    • Doreen_P's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi, MishW


      Are you still having an issue with Colonial First State - FirstChoice Wholesale Super? Please let us know if you still require any further assistance with your concern. We are happy to assist.


      Best regards,


  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, MishW


    Since we were not able to receive a response from you, we will be closing the thread now. Please feel free to reach out to us or create another post if you encounter any further issues.


    Best regards,
