Forum Discussion

LJZ's avatar
Experienced User
3 days ago

Sales invoices emailed from MYOB not reaching recipients

Just wondering if anybody else is currently experiencing issues emailing sales invoices from MYOB?  I sent out a number of invoices yesterday (and included myself as a recipient) but to no avail.  On attempting to re-send some to myself again this morning, they still aren't coming through. Can anyone please shed any light on this for me? I have cleared out the cache but this hasn't worked. I've also checked spam/junk (just in case!) but nothing there either. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

  • CTSLW's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi LJZ,

    We are experiencing the same issue.  Upon checking "View all activity" it shows that the emails have been delivered, however this is not the case.  We have a lot of December invoices to send out.  Please someone fix this.

  • CTSLW's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    LJZbruceVI think I have solved it. Go to Setup/Preferences/Emailing.  I unticked Send emails Using Accountright and am now receiving the invoices and sent receipts.  I remember that a MYOB update in the past changed this automatically so checked again.  Sure enough it is now working. I don't believe MYOB should be changing OUR setup with their updates.  It's quite annoying. Hopefully this will work for you as well.

    • bruceV's avatar
      Experienced User

      Thank you this is wonderful and has fixed the ridiculous MYOB issue. I can't believe MYOB do this to us either. It's been a day of frustration starting from last night. Sorry for all the rest of you too. 

    • Steve-switch's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hey there. Thanks for this. Were you having trouble with users who you include in the cc receiving invoices? I desperately need my manager (who is offshore) to receive all invoices that are emailed to clients and they are no longer getting them. This is causing many issues for my business. I believe my clients are getting the invoices but my manager isn't any longer (after being cc'd) which is beyond frustrating. Is this the same problem you were facing?

      • CTSLW's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Hi there, once I unticked Send Emails Using Accountright, we had no problem sending to anyone in our business. I believe the last MYOB update automatically turned that on.

  • We are experiencing the same issue and our security expert has formed the view that all emails from are being marked by Microsoft as High Confidence Phish and being placed in Quarantine. In essence, every company that has high levels of cybersecurity in place will have emails from this address blocked. 


    It seems this is due to a link that MYOB adds to every email that goes out from AccountRight:



    • Aero63's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi again, our IT people have been able to create a workaround and invoices are now being emailed from AccountRight like they were previously.  This is an excerpt from their support email to us:


      There has been no changes for the email security recently that means the way the emails were being authorized by MYOB has changed due to an update, we will reach out to their support and see if we can get the emails to be authorised through your Microsoft tenant, if we can then it would bypass any current issues due to the update.
      We have now actioned a workaround to ensure the emails will get through the email security. We are following up with MYOB support to get a long term fix in place and we will update you once this has been completed.

      I hope this information is of benefit to some of you. 

    • NikkiAP's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      DazzaM - MYOB Support's response to sending then the quarantine message



  • bruceV's avatar
    Experienced User

    Yes, I have sent the same invoices since last night through to right now 6 times to my inbox. As I run three business names from my ABN I send them to the inbox then to the client. I cannot figure why MYOB won't send my invoices. I have shut down and rebooted many times and even updated MYOB. Worst software. I don't know how much longer I will stay with them as this has happened several times before where it doesn't work for days.

    • CTSLW's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I am currently on hold with support.  I'll let you know how I go.  It's super important our December invoices get sent ASAP.

      • bruceV's avatar
        Experienced User

        Thank you. Can't believe they will actually speak with you. Hoping you get it sorted, and we do as well. 

  • bruceV's avatar
    Experienced User

    I pay $141.00 a month for features I barely use, and they can't help me with sending invoices from different business names. Now they can't help us send our invoices. If we can't get paid because of MYOB I believe we should be reimbursed for our monthly fee for the inconvenience and frustration this has caused. 

  • Princess_R's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi everyone, 


    Sorry to hear you're having trouble with sending invoices. I checked on our end, and there aren't any reported issues at the moment. To help us dig deeper, could you try sending the invoice using a default form first? The cause might be related to using a customised form. If the issue sticks around, you can submit a support ticket via MyAccount, and we'll get right on it to find out what's going on. Thanks!




    • CTSLW's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      The problem appears to be with sending an invoice to and from the same email as I have been able to receive the invoice to my personal email address.  I have tried with both the desktop and online version with the same result.  I am hoping that means our clients will receive their invoices but we won't get a copy. This still needs to be resolved otherwise it means quite a few extra steps when an invoice needs to be sent to us.

      • LJZ's avatar
        Experienced User

        Hi Princess_R,

        CTSLW is correct. This is not an issue with customised invoice templates but rather that we can no longer include ourselves on the email distribution list for outgoing sales invoices (and I have never had a problem with this before now). We rely on this to know that our invoice emails have likely gone through to our customers and to ensure we have proof on file. Would you happen to know what MYOB has changed in the back end to now disable this feature?  It is indeed very frustrating and we too would be grateful for a speedy resolution. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    • Aero63's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi, there is definitely a problem, our customers are not receiving invoices either (as well as myself), it was working with no issue on Monday and I did notice there was an update came through yesterday to the Desktop version.  There has been no change to customised forms or anything else we use.  There are probably no reported issues as businesses have not yet realised their invoices are not going out, unless they include their own email address when sending.  The "Sent Emails" screen shows they have gone out but they haven't.  We have always used AccountRight to send our emails and I am unsure what the implications are if I turn it off?  Thank you.

    • CTSLW's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Princess

      Further to my previous reply, we are also not receiving the invoice in our sent items which used to happen.


      LJZis this the same for you?

  • NikkiAP's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I have the same problem see

  • LJZ's avatar
    Experienced User

    Thanks so much NikkiAP  for sharing your case number - greatly appreciated.  Hope we can all get this resolved quickly.

  • Thanks for the update from the IT people, having the same issue here, so frustrating!

    • Aero63's avatar
      Experienced User

      I forwarded the message above from DazzaM to our IT support and they went from there and were able to create a workaround, as mentioned in their email.  I hope you can get the situation sorted sooner rather than later.

      • CTSLW's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Thanks for that, my issue was fixed by unticking send via accountright.

  • LJZ's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick update - the MYOB support team have now advised that there were delays with emails being delivered to recipients on Wednesday, 8 January 2025 (AUS time - albeit if this were the case, the emails should have eventually gone through but they haven't).  Anyway, long story short, we are now able to send out sales invoices via AccountRight again.  We have contacted a random number of customers to whom we have sent invoices to during the period 6-8 January 2025 and all have confirmed non-delivery, so we have reissued them today.  If you too have experienced issues, I'd recommend doing the same.  Hope you are all up and running again too!  :)

    • NikkiAP's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      LJZ that's wonderful but a fluffy version of the true events. I have both email and phone records showing that MYOB initially blamed our email provider and internet connection as the issue and it was not their issue. MYOB Suppor then stopped responding once it was confirmed that Microsoft was actually blocking the email address with even more screen shot evidence —despite MYOB’s claim that “emails have been sent from our server.”  I worked for 3 organisations that day and all had the emails quarantine which is the said "delay". In fact, organisations that whitelisted the email address on the 8th January were still able to receive the emails on the same day. It appears MYOB either removed the link Microsoft was flagging as spam or contacted Microsoft directly to resolve the issue. 


      • LJZ's avatar
        Experienced User

        Couldn't agree more NikkiAP.  I'm just glad it's fixed ... at least for now.